I’ve never been in serious relationship in 24 years of my life but any time I was I chose a partner who would pretty much control me in a way: choose where we meet, where we eat, what we eat, what to do, what film to watch, what game to play. And I wouldn’t mind. I still kinda let people do that (friends, strangers or others) even though I do mind. I hang around people who remind me of my mother, I’m attracted to people who remind me of her in friendship and romance. I don’t feel like a whole person in romantic relationships but rather an appendage of my partner. I remember having a crush of sorts on one of my professors and she reminded me of my mom so much. Her bad qualities, not good ones. Luckily that crush went away but it made me think. I’m only attracted to women who want to control me, who want drama and conflict, who don’t see me as my own person but a project of theirs and I long to be seen that way at times. It makes me feel at home. At the same time I realize just how unhealthy this is and want to change this. I just don’t know how.