I can't work out if I'm mad for cptsd reasons (overly self-reliant) or mad because, it's actually bloody annoying.

Anyone else got a redditcare message (or similar) that made them mad?

I'm mad for so many reasons.. First of all, if you're actually concerned about me, you could, I dunno....talk to me? Like actually try to connect with the person or understand something about them before you go, vigilante-ing. Engaging with the person would probably have a much greater impact whatever their state of mind.

There's just something about it that just, pisses me off. How is it that everything I've posted everywhere I never got a care message, and then....this (screenshot). Something totally benign. Wtf. People are weird.

It was a response to a post where the OP was talking about the benefits of vit D from supplements vs the sun and asking people for their opinions.

I unsubbed from where I posted it too.

edit: Having trouble inserting the screenshot.