People around me are angry with the person who treated me badly. I feel sad about it, but I don’t feel anger towards the person. I feel bad for thinking too harsh about them, or I think about the trauma they went through and pity them, even though they are doing the bad things now.

But I do get angry over trivial things. Like, if someone at a cash register does something stupid I get unreasonably upset. I don’t bother the people around me with that, and I don’t think they notice, but it’s unpleasant for myself because it’s not how I want to be and it feels like I’m putting out bad vibes. It’s misplaced anger that I’m probably suppressing around the issues I should have that level of anger about.

It feels like progress, because I can at least feel anger. But how do I move the anger to where it belongs, focusing on the bad things that happened and the actual perpetrator?