You see a lot of this kind of thing: "children are hardwired to love their caretakers, no matter what, so they justify the abuse and blame themselves, because they have to find an explanation for why caretakers would abuse them." Or you hear something like, "I went no contact and it was hard to walk away from someone I love because of their abuse."
BUT ... what if you never felt that love towards them? As in, NEVER. I always feel confused when someone says about their abuser, "I love my dad/mother/etc., but ..." and I feel like I'm a bad seed or something, like I'm seriously damaged because I never felt that love. I always wanted to get away from them, live somewhere else, I was never happy or glad to spend time with them. Being with them seemed like a punishment or something to endure, I never felt like they would protect me from the world. I don't like or love or respect and never have, even as a small kid. When I saw kids in books or TV being happy to spend time with their families it was like science fiction. As an adult just seeing them or talking to them is a burden and a trigger.

Am I just a bad seed?