I'm currently in the process of trying to find a somatic therapist in my area of New Zealand that is funded under our system for 'sensitive claims' (sexual abuse). Of the hundreds of people listed, 80% state some type of CBT or psychotherapy as their main therapy modality. The rest are a mix of art therapy, EMDR (a lot of EMDR actually, this must require simple training) and IFS (not bad), with less than a handful who even have the word somatic in their descriptions.

This is a PHYSICAL trauma. It is sexual abuse. In my case it is child sexual abuse and I suffer from serious dissociative symptoms. It is all stored in my body, I know this. Somatic therapies are considered some of the most effective therapies for trauma and CPTSD.

I even found this article from a few years ago about the subject. And it's not just in New Zealand of course, this seems like a very widespread phenomenon. I know the discourse about trauma is slow to catch up with research but for god's sake, The Body Keeps the Score was released 10 years ago and was not at all the first book to talk about how trauma is stored in the body.

I just don't understand how all of these people who claim to treat trauma are barely even trauma-informed. Like what the hell?

This is just a rant and I do not want to argue any of these points in the comments. I made another post recently where I talked about therapists and some replied having taken offense by what I said. But if you're even in this sub you are already far ahead than any of the people I am complaining about so this is not about you.