Hi there, I’ve not posted before..so I hope this makes sense.

I’ve been seeing my therapist for a few months. We’ve done some sessions of EMDR most recently. I've been experiencing what I assume are flashbacks, sometimes with or without a visual narrative. It will appear suddenly, and all the emotions associated will flood back too, like fear, shame and confusion. At that time and for some time after, I believe it, it feels real. Then normal everyday things filter back in and after a few hours the whole thing feels fake, like I made it up. I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this too?

There seems to be a bit of a pattern… Without going into specifics, the flashbacks are of a similar nature, surrounding a specific event. I have very little memory of it as a whole, just bits of it. There's lots of self-doubt. I have spoken to my therapist about it, but more often than not, I just completely forget.... I know how that sounds, but there's so much going on in my head, it's so hard to remember everything and discuss it all in a one-hour session.