I struggle so much with setting boundaries in new friendships and before I know it it’s too late and they’ve set theirs and then I feel like if I go back and set mine I’ve brought up or started an argument or I haven’t moved on from it.

How can I go back and set my boundaries without causing an argument or making the other person feel like I’m moaning. Especially if the conversation has ended. Do I just go back and set it? And what ever happens happens?

Basically her boundary is saying I can’t respond all the time. Which is honestly fine with me i dont expect her to. But whenever she does this it feels like she’s just avoiding the conversation and dragging it out.

If I go back she would of got away with not replying. She’s done this a couple times now.

But my boundary is don’t say you’ll respond to what I’ve said then put it off for two days and each day say I’ll respond, I’ll respond and then don’t.