I was reading Pete Walkers book Complex PTSD and came across the following line. “Children who are spoiled and given insufficient limits [a uniquely painful type of abandonment] can become fight types.”
This resonates with me as I am a fight/freeze type who had parents who were very loose with limits. I was often making decisions about my own life that no minor should have. There were small things like refusing to go into the school band or deciding not to go to certain family events, but often I made consequential choices that had a lot of impacts on the regrets I have as an adult.

In my teenage years, I seemed to be making all the decisions about my future, like deciding not to apply for colleges, or just not going to classes I didn’t like. I don’t remember ever being at home, being punished or having any sort of meaningful conversations with my parents about plans for my future. If conflict did arise I was always able to talk my way out of it. A notable example was when they found a stash of empty beer cans (I had drank them the night before), I was able to convince them I had picked them up off the ground after a careless group of friends had littered. They often bring this story up now and laugh about how I had manipulated them so thoroughly, I was 15...
I wouldn’t have called my upbringing spoiled, we were middle class, but the lack of limits or boundaries resonated with me. My brother the firstborn child had very strict limits and was made to do a lot of things like art classes and music lessons that he hated at the time but now looks back on fondly. He even had very strict limits on socializing and was encouraged profusely to attend higher education. Despite a lack of focus and motivation I had really good grades, but ended up directionless wandering for years instead of going to college.

Can anyone relate?