Hello there! Undiagnosed here, but a long time lurker in this sub-reddit. Ever since I first read about cPTSD, things just kind of clicked (what led me here actually). I've been struggling with this for a couple of years but I think I am finally ready to try for a possible diagnosis so I can better handle the accumulative symptoms, some that have surely grown over the years since their onset.

I've done therapy before but it wasn't all that effective in the long-term, it was more like a short-term band-aid, treating the symptoms on a week to week basis, not the wound itself (I tried psychoanalysis, wich is kind of iffy about giving diagnosis so I don't know).

I would like to know what types of therapy would be best for me to get a more objective analysis of my symptoms in relation to my childhood trauma and know what the heck is this that I'm feeling. I've considered CBT before, but never actually done it, because I though I was just anxious, but it was most likely a strong symptom of cPTSD. Is CBT still effective for cPTSD or should I try something more specific?

I wanna also thank this sub, reading all the posts and comments have surely help me validate my experience and get at least some pieces of the puzzle together, before trying to find the whole picture in actual therapy.