I feel like i always end up getting hurt by the people around me. I thought it was because i just pick bad people that remind me of my family. But my friend is saying i have a victim complex.

I got in a fight with my friend and they started lashing out at me telling me that im selfish. That me thinking people are doing things that hurt me on purpose to hurt me is selfish. I set a boundary saying im not comfortable being criticized because im going through a depressive episode with suicidal ideation. I told them its okay, i love them but i just cant handle it.

They lashed out saying im guilt tripping and emotionally manipulating them. I didnt realize me being honest about my suicidal ideation and that talking to them may not be safe for me might be seen as manipulative. They said that i make myself the victim in every situation. I dont think im the victim, im just trying to protect myself and them. Us fighting over nothing isnt good for either of us. I have not criticized them like they have me. I keep apologizing for things and trying to communicate why this is hurtful.

It really bothers me when people try to use my victimhood against me. People know victims doubt themselves and it feels so intentional. I have been the victim many times. Almost every partner i have had has done some variation of SA. I was abused my entire childhood. I am a victim if i like it or not. I dont get the luxury of creating a complex.

Me being hurt by someone doesnt mean im making myself the victim again. Why cant i say what hurts me. I am a victim. But i dont think im a victim of this friend. Im just expressing why im hurt and what i can handle.