(Warning, non-descriptive mention of csa) I didn't ever entertain the notion I could have cptsd. I considered myself to have BPD, had for the longest time, because doctors repeatedly said they "suspected it" and I have most of the symptoms. I knew I had trauma - but I thought "yanno, it's just trauma. Everyone has trauma. It's fine. My personality is disordered, I'm the problem, and it's partially due to that trauma, but it wasn't a big deal. It wasn't that bad, and it was my own fault anyway". Then my partner mentioned offhandedly that it appears BPD is being more or less phased out as a diagnosis in favor of cptsd and my first response was "that's so weird, I have bpd, but I don't qualify at all for cptsd", so I pull up the diagnostic criteria and. I meet them. I have the symptoms, specifically relating to CSA. And now I'm just really reeling from this realization, because, I don't know, I think it was kind of a coping mechanism to deny that it had been that bad? I don't know. Is this a common feeling?