Today I was driving to work and I needed to turn left at Burloak onto North Service Road. If you're familiar with this intersection, it can be a frustrating one to turn left at and gets easily congested (right by the Burlington convention center)

I was waiting for an opportunity to turn left at the green light, and when I finally had an opening a cyclist, who was on the sidewalk and not on the road went right through the red hand pedestrian crosswalk. I didn't go, because I knew he was going through it but I was met with a bunch of honking behind me. The light then turned red so I couldn't go.

I just want to know for my own sake: do cyclists have to follow road rules like other vehicles only if they're on the road, and pedestrian rules when they're on the sidewalk...or even on the sidewalk do they follow vehicle rules? I just want to check who had the "right of way" in this case.