
r/bouldering406.8K subscribers32 active
How to use filters on /r/boulderingInformation

Hi Boulderers,

It's been a while since we have re-implemented flairs on this subreddit, and from a mod perspective things seem to be going well.

I realize not everyone is familiar with how flairs work on reddit or what you can do with them, so I thought I would put a few helpful tips up.

First of all, what is flair?

Link flairs are basically tags that can be used to sort content on reddit. Adjacent to the title of the post on /r/bouldering you should see a brightly colored label, with some white writing on it. On new reddit they look like this:


Flairs are assigned by the creator of a particular post. They are able to flair it with whatever flair they like, but mods will override incorrect flairs.

When you click on a flair in the sidebar, your feed will be ordered something like this:


You can do with any of the flairs in the sidebar. If you click on the flair next to any of the posts, you will get the same result (this is how you do it on old reddit too, or you can just get reddit enhancement suite and it will do the filtering natively.)

In addition, you will note that the URL has changed. Before it just said, "" but now it says, ""

If you play around with the URL you can make it do interesting things. For example if you want to EXCLUDE all question flairs, simply add a "-" (minus symbol) in front of the word "flair" and all question flairs will be omitted from the results. The URL would look like this: and the results would look like this:


Another thing you can do with the URL is to combine requests. So for example say you want to omit all questions, injuries, and shoe posts. The URL would look like this: which would leave you with just Advice/Beta Requests, Indoor, Outdoor, and Information flairs.

Any questions list em down below. I will sticky this post for reference log it in the wiki.

Pinnedby soupyhandsModeratorTotal Gumby
Why do I boulder better alone?Question

I was out bouldering on my own yesterday and went out to a quiet crag, a bit out the way from the larger areas and away from people. I only brought the one pad as I am recovering from cold and was only going to check out the moves on a problem that I'd seen in the guidebook and looked my style. Whilst there, I ended up feeling good on it and sending it. It wasn't particularly tall or above a particularly terrible landing but I was able to stay calm on the sketchy mantle and top it out. It got me thinking, I tend to feel less fear and concern of falling when I'm out on my own versus when I'm out with friends or my partner and overall tend to have more successful sessions as this has happened multiple times and I was wondering why this may be? I was thinking it may potentially be easier to focus and get into the right mindset without distractions of people, the quieter atmosphere around or performance anxiety in front of others. Interested to hear what others think and to hear others experience

Is bouldering high-impact on your knees?Advice/Beta Request

I've always liked the idea of bouldering and am considering starting taking lessons, however I have had life-long knee issues due to a sporting accident as a child and generally can't do activities that are high impact on my knees (like squats, running etc.). Would I be right in thinking that bouldering is possibly an activity I should avoid?

Should I wait before buying my own shoes ?Shoes


I (25M) just started bouldering a month ago with one session per week. I have a huge fear of heights that I want to "conquer" so I felt like bouldering might be what I need + it looked fun.

The thing is that I feel completely overwhelmed for the first hour of every session where I can't do anything, in 4 sessions I only managed to climb 2 walls (a 5c and a 5b wall). I just can't manage to move my legs I'm too afraid to move them too much. And while climbing a wall felt really the rest of the session I'm only asking myself what am I doing here while looking at my (very supportive) friends doing amazing things.

I want to continue despite this, but I am currently paying 20 euros per session in the gym I'm going to because I need to rent shoes, there is another gym in my city for 120 euro per YEAR, but you need to have shoes to go in it.

Should I wait to see if I will really go through with bouldering before buying considering how I'm feeling during my sessions or should I just buy them now and save a lot of money if I end up continuing?

EDIT : I think that I will do as you say and buy the cheapest shoe for now.

How to meet people who want to boulder/climb outdoors?Question

I’m from the Pittsburgh PA area and since the weather’s been nice, me and my climbing partner have been bouldering and sport/trad climbing outdoors as much as possible. I have other climbing friends and acquaintances around, but virtually none of them want to climb or boulder outdoors. I still go to the gym occasionally around here, but I’m also not one just to chat up people unless it’s organic (e.g. working on a problem with someone).

I’ve looked on FB for groups and even posted a few times on Mountain Project to no real success. Any suggestions? It seems when me and homie go to any spot or crag, we’re the only ones there. We’re planning some trips to New River and Seneca soon, so I’m hopeful we can meet people camping and climbing, but we’re hitting a wall with the gym only crowd we know locally. Just wondering if you all had any advice! Cheers!

Extra shoeShoes

I went travelling with my climbing shoes and unfortunately lost one of them in an airport. It's been a few weeks and I've given up hope on getting my shoe back. I've purchased new shoes but was wondering what to do with the old one, does anyone know of any websites or forums or honestly any individuals with whom I could rehouse my shoe?

How to get past a climbing plateauAdvice/Beta Request

Im a v4-v5 level climber. I’ve been climbing for a while now, started like 7 years ago but only ever went every few months. These past few months I’ve begun to take climbing more seriously and have gone 2-3 times a week. I saw a lot of improvement but lately I’m in this weird spot where v4 are usually waaaaaay to easy and v5 are barely sendable for me. Any recommendations on what to do to better my climbing. I have a feeling it has to do with my strength

Bouldering in Italy, cortonaQuestion

Hi I'm staying in cortona for 2 weeks and I was curious if there are any bouldering spots nearby. I appreciate any recommendations

Looking for fun places to boulder in BosniaQuestion

As the titles says, i am looking for fun places to do outdoor bouldering in Bosnia

I assume there are some areas as Bosnia has quite some rocks, but i am unable to find them by google.

Thanks in advance

How many of you boulder outside alone?Question

Just purely out of curiosity. I feel like I see a lot of videos of people seemingly climbing alone outside. I’ve been going out this season with some people, but will definitely be going alone as well. Nature is the bomb.

My bouldering has barely improved in 10 months. What can I do?Question

I climbed occasionally for a couple years in 2012, but I tore my elbow and quit climbing until 2023. I signed up for a local indoor climbing gym in August 2023, I live 5 minutes away.

Ive been climbing at the gym on average, 3.5 days per a week. Typical sessions last ~2 hours, or until my arms are so pumped I can barely climb V2-V3.

When I started climbing 10 months ago I could set all the V0-V2 in the gym, and the 50% of V3. Fast forward to today, I can set 75% of V3, and can rarely set a V4 unless I project it for weeks. I've only set one V5.

I see tons of people who have improved dramatically faster than me with less gym time. I'm 34, 6 foot tall, weigh 160lbs, and in all around decent health.

What can I do to improve? I'm burning out and losing my passion for climbing because I feel as if I've made no progress in 10 months.

Non binary climbs should be more difficultQuestion

Our gym has 3 categories for finals climbs - men , women and non- binary. Usually the bouldering for men ranges from v7-9 , women from v6-8/9, but non binary is v4/5-6. Maybe not enough non binary climbers competing but would like to see non binary climbs at least start at the same difficulty as women’s or in between women and men.

For routes - final men was 5.13 , women -5.12 plus , but non binary 5.11 minus … feels odd imo. Anyone else’s gym do this too?

For the non binary climbers do u agree it should be harder or ok as it is? I appreciate the gym for the inclusivity but not sure on the setting. Maybe they set for who is actually competing?