Hi I'm looking to get some boots and really struggling to find any good info on the internet on what kinds of boots I want and what brands are good quality. I think mainly what I am looking for is combat boots but I have no idea what brands are good or where to find them. I have been looking into doc martens but was told that they don't really last very long any more. Any advice or suggestions are welcome thanks!

edit: I am male (not sure if that help much).

edit 2: sorry for the lack of info a few people have asked so.

  1. my hopeful budget would be around $200 - $300 USD (not sure if that is realistic or not)
  2. advice saying PNW brands def a big help (big fan of the 90's grunge looks. trying to mix up my look a little bit rather than just sneakers and hoodies and that kinda thing)

edit 3:

thanks for your help everyone. I have ordered a paid of solovairs and waiting for them to come. they seemed like the most standard similar to docs to try out and go from there. thanks for all the suggestions everyone I will def be keeping an eye out for some of these brands in the future to continue my collection.