So this is a wierd one. My boomer father (72) has this bizarre tendency to fart on me (m37). He has for many years, never excusing himself.

Today I was gonna take my new fpv-drone out for a flight, thinking he might think it would be cool to see how it operates now that we got time vacationing together with the whole family.

Just a minute after takeoff he rips a massive fart, standing just a couple of feet from where I’m sitting. The wet kind, sounding like soaking wet cardboard boxes being hit with a fist, played at 30% speed.

This makes me throw off the fpv-goggles and abort flight just a minute in, being close to throwing up. Flight and father-son time ruined.

I just don’t get why he does it. He seems to see nothing wrong with ripping a massive fart just an arms length away from my nose.

Is this a thing some boomers do, or what’s the deal? It ruined my night. It’s so disrespectful. Why can’t he just excuse him self or even just walk away a few meters? Is it some sort of power move? I’m utterly confused and grossed out.

Ps! I do love my father and we have a good relationship. There are just aspects of his being I think I will never fully grasp. Even when I’m really trying.