Title says it all.

Family time on mothers day with brothers in Canada. I've got two boomer parents and they raised 3 millennials (One being on the boarder of Genx-Millennial) with me being the youngest millennial. Two older brothers are hyper conservative Justin Trudeau Hating , pay too much taxes , hate the gays and immigrants gaming the system (Hypocrisy cause one brother is in the trades doing cash jobs half the time of course)

We were lower middle class but they raised us with love and gave us everything they could and sacrificed so much time working extra to pay for expensive things like hockey and family trips. Honestly they are amazing.

Brothers proceed to start ripping into all the usual conservative talking points for a few minutes and my boomer dad is just listening as he usually does because he doesn't like to discuss politics. I attempt to retort some completely incorrect points " Well Health Care is fucked because of the PM" (me) "Well no, the provinces are responsible for that portfolio" and its quickly turning into 2v1 where I just give up and walk away so they can continue the hate parade. Boomer dad who doesn't say much just gets up and walks into the middle of us, glares at my two brothers and opens his mouth to say something like this (Paraphrased) :

" Well boys, I thought I raised you better then this, you hit the fucking birth lottery living where we do. We raised to you be thankful for what you've got. You are both wildly more successful then me and your kids are far better off then you yet all you can do is sit here and spew hate and angry about the world. Your fridge is full of food, your drinking water isn't going to kill you, you live in one of the safest countries on the planet , You can love who you want to love and not be murdered, you don't have to worry about being bombed or invaded yet you ungrateful fucks are crying about gay people or immigrants wanting to seek a better life. You should both feel ashamed about the shit that you are spewing, you spoiled little twats"

Then just walked away. They didn't say shit and looked stunned for a solid 20 seconds before their lizard brain kicked in and said " what the fuck was that about" I just said " Dads right" and walked away too.

My dad is the most calm chill guy yet he just fucking unloaded on them, caught us all off guard and made the rest of mothers day dinner extremely awkward, especially when he basically gave another speech before dinner about how lucky they were to be together as a family and enjoy the meal while glaring at my two brothers when talking about how grateful he was.

It was fucking epic. I had a ton of respect for my dad prior to this , but he just sky rocketed to total fucking chad levels of awesome. (My mom is the same just would never say it out loud)

I called my dad the next day to thank him for 1) raising me with as much love as he did and 2) for verbally bitch slapping my brothers.

I am a very lucky person to be raised by them.

This is a shit on boomer sub but some boomers are awesome and we need to be reminded of that sometimes. Hence this post.

Sorry if it violates the rules of the sub :)

edit: Great remarks, appreciated reading everyone's experiences and observations from their perspective.