My mother was born in ‘59, so solid boomer.

In the fall of ‘22 I started getting ill, lots of pain and extreme lethargy. By December I was being staged for a couple of surgeries. My mother’s first reaction was that I just needed to take more walks. She then pulled my husband aside at Christmas Eve to tell him it was all in my head and I was just depressed.

Fast forward to spring and we schedule two surgeries 6 weeks apart. I let her know when, but not where they were happening and asked that she not go around posting it on social media or telling everyone. (My mother is the type to farm for sympathy and prayers.) Needless to say, she is pissed.

My husband kept her updated so she knew how things were going, when I was in recovery, and when I had been released. I guess she texted and called me that evening while I was sleeping off the anesthesia and pain meds. The next morning, on my husband’s way to work she starts calling his phone back to back. After the 5th call he picks up, only to hear my mother scream,”What is her problem with me?!?”

Moral of the story, no matter what is happening, it really is all about them and their thoughts/feelings. I wonder why we are super low contact.