This happened a few years ago, when I was a driver for a national pizza chain. This woman calls around 2:30 p.m. she explains to the manager she's having a Bible study at her house at 3:30, and wants a pizza exactly at that time. My manager explains we can't guarantee exact times, but we can be there within a 10 minute window on either side.

The woman supposedly agrees, and we take the order. Now, it turns out she's not actually in our delivery area, but slightly outside. Normally, we'd have said no, but she was a little old lady without a car and we were slow, so the manager asked if I would do it.

I looked up the address, saw it was only a quarter-mile out of the area, so I said okay. If anything, the tip would cover the gas.

So, we take the order, the manager explains the 3:30 situation, and we agree we'll make the order (literally one large thin pizza, double cut, which should have been a red flag for me) at 3, so it'll be ready around 3:10, and I'd be at the house around 3:25-3:30. Perfect!

Everything works out great! No traffic, every light is green, and I get to the door right at 3:25! Then, this sixty-something-year-old blue haired biddy opens the door, and scowls at me.

Me: "Hello, ma'am! I have your pizza right here!"

Her: "Why are you here?"

Me looks at delivery slip to ensure I have the right address: "I apologize, ma'am? Is this not (address)?"

Her: "It is, but you're supposed to be here at 3:30. Why are you here?"

I smile and explain the 10 minute window, and how I tried to be as close to 3:30 as possible. She goes on a tirade about how she now has to reheat the pizza because I'm so early and this is the worst customer service she's ever experienced.

At this point, I apologize, and ask if she would still like the pizza.

She harrumphs, grabs exact change from the hall table, hands it to me with a scowl that would shame a devil, and I give her the pizza.

When I get back to the store, the manager is hanging up the phone. The customer called back to the store right after I left, and read the manager about the "large, rude driver" (i.e. me) who arrived too early and so the pizza was cold when her guests arrived for Bible study... who were pulling up as I left. When the manager refused to give her credit and informed her she was not to be delivered to again for apparently calling me rude names over the phone (and bragging about not tipping), the woman got irate, demanding Corporate's number. My manager was fed up at told her to look it up on the website.

So, moral of the story: Even if you go out of your way, do a favor for, and offer prompt service to boomers, they will still be complain. And, they won't tip.