I volunteer at a local food assistance program and I’m one of a few people who manage the parking lot. Some of the other volunteers a more conservative, but generally nice, decent people.

A local who lives across the street from our lot walks his dog while we’re out and he used to hang around and chat. But he always had something to say about my life and why am I not doing this, or that, in that but no answer would ever be a good enough explanation. Once I was taking antibiotics and needed to use the bathroom during my two hour shift and he gave me shit for that.

He’s also insanely racist and used to be a sheriff. He literally thinks all black and brown people should be shot. Of course I push back on all his bullshit and since he wanted to keep getting personal I got personal right back and boy did he lose it when his intelligence and appearance got made fun of.

He started coming around less after that, but gave it one more try after a while. As he’s coming to talk to one of my fellow volunteers he was on my ass about how I’m living my life. I immediately responds with “Go fuck yourself.” After everything he said I insulted him, belittled him and gave everything right back to him. He eventually ends up right in my face, chest practically up against mine - and while he’s not a small dude, he’d struggle to get up if he fell over - so I wasn’t to worried about him actually getting physical. This goes on for a few more minutes, but eventually he took his dog and walked off.

Sometimes he’ll say hello to one of the other volunteers from a distance, but even he kind of avoids the boomer for the most part. He still walks his dog around the lot, but he keeps his distance from me - hopefully this time it sticks.

Every situation is different, but if the situation calls for it, if you feel safe and are able to you should give their bullshit right back to them and shut that shit down!