Went to Home Depot to get some shit to kill some bugs, wearing a tracksuit with xbox logos, wearing headphones. Nothing orange on my person.

Boomer lady walks up to me and asks me to take my headphones off. I do and ask her what's up. She proceeds to tell me she's been trying to find a 'small shovel to dig vegetables' and I'm like "a trowel?" she asks what that is. I tell her that's what she is looking for. She gets mad and asks me "well where are they?" I'm like "I dunno, I don't work here". She's like "Well you're just walking around like you work here". "Ok boomer. Try someone with an orange apron, have a nice day". Put my headphones back in and keep looking for bug killer. These fuckin people. LOL

edit: seeing a lot of "WhY dIdN't YoU jUsT hElP hEr?!? she forfeited that with her anger. you don't reward that behavior.