Bollywood Music

r/BollywoodMusic275.1K subscribers8 active
What are you listening this Week?PlayList

Share Playlists/Songs from anywhere that you are listening to this week

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Playlist Corner- A weekly thread for sharing and/or requesting playlists and song recommendationsScheduled Thread

Welcome to the Playlist Corner!

This is a weekly thread to share and request playlists and song recommendations.

Whether you're looking for a specific type of playlist or a general playlist recommendation, this is your space to request it.

If you have any interesting playlists to share, whether something created by you or something you liked and wanted to share, this is your space.

Similarly, if you want to request or have any song recommendations to share, go ahead!

Henceforth, posts for sharing playlists will not be allowed. You may of course continue to share playlists in the comments of other posts.

This thread will be posted every Wednesday.

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What song is it for you? Ask

The after effects are so strong it leaves you in a hangover. It's like, cocaine leaves you energized and charged, or your favorite food where the taste lingers on afterwards.

by queen_mafiaPyaar me duba hua
underrated songsAsk

Does anyone think how underrated songs like Tera raastaan mai choodoon na, titli are from Chennai express and it’s such a shame that these are not appreciated enough, even recently heer aasmani and sher khul gay got sidelined