I have a feeling that there HAS to be something wrong with gayle bc she is literally the worst. This is my 3rd time watching this show all the way through, and I literally cannot stand her. She does nothing but make linda’s life worse, and cause problems for her own personal gain. The episode where she makes bob drag her through the snow (s6 e4) even though she was faking her injury, basically ruining their thanksgiving, always infuriates me. She constantly is trying to make weird passes on bob and makes him very uncomfortable, and she tries to ruin all of linda’s relationships since high school. I know that they’re family and it’s just a show, but linda really needs to set boundaries with gayle because she obviously has unresolved problems. Maybe she needs therapy because she constantly needs attention and to be coddled, and no one tells her the truth even though she’s a middle aged woman. I didn’t mean to rant but she’s really one of the worst characters in the show.