What is everyone's hopes of this match and how would you write it from here onwards?

For me personally I have a few things.

1.I want for shidou and rin to team up on defense to stop kaiser and isagi: I know having strikers drop back to play defense is an iffy issue in the community but we all know kaneshiro isn't making any of the NPCs or even lower tier blue lockers do anything significant on defense.

  1. I want Kiyora to score: I know that Isagis hat trick possibility should be pushed for as long as possible but I think just having kiyora assist the person who practically ruined his chances of top 23 would be lame. And having Kiyora help Kaiser would kinda diminish both of their character arcs imo.

  2. I want Yukimiya off the bench: There is no reason for yukimiya to be on the bench while he's one of the most potent wingers in the NEL and one of the most versatile blue lockers. Moving Raichi to CB and subbing out Mensah or Birkenstock is the right move as it's clear the author doesn't plan to use them in any way. (Also seeing yukimiya dog on shidou and rin again would be cool lol)

  3. I want the lower tiers to be awakened: We're used to seeing people like Isagi, Nagi, Barou and Rin get fired up and explode during the match but I think we need to see others go into flow state. Flow Zantetsu, Tokimitsu and Nanase VS Flow Raichi, Flow Kurnoa and Flow Igrashi would be peak cinema

  4. I want Chapi to do something: This is by far the least likely but seeing as how he's the NPC with the most amount of screentime on PxG it would be nice to see him get just 1 small moment or decent pass.

  5. I don't want Noa to come on VS Loki: We know from Luna that if your vision is good enough that you can stop Lokis speed and seeing the rest of BM struggle VS a master without their own would be insane. Kaiser and Isagi double defense where Loki barley gets a shot off just for it to be blocked by Kunigami or Raichi would be peak.

That's the main things I wish for, lmk what you guys would change and what in specific you want for the match.