Bloggers in Auckland!

Hi guys,

I’m just wondering if there are any bloggers in Nz or Auckland? I am just asking because I’m going through a mid life crisis of being an online web model giving up my hopes and dreams or continue to search for my people! I love blogging about lifestyle stuff, stories from my life, advice on things and anything I can share with those who I wish someone else told me when I was younger! I also have my own website for being independent and being a proud woman through being intelligent and smart in different skills and educations!

I feel soo alone with my blogging and website that I’m so close to giving it all up and selling my body as no one cares about my stuff or I find it hard to find people who do the same stuff as me!

I’m close to going on those websites just to give up on my whole life since I find it hard to feel support! Are there any bloggers in Auckland? I’m desperate for creating a Akl bloggers community or meet ups too! Plz no hate, going through so much about my life and my worth!