At the beginning of the show there was already some slut shaming happening through Nora and Jasmine with so called Tango allegations. So I went on there to do a little experiment as it says it's not a nsfw site. The fact is they are right, you can't. I used a service to broadcast nsfw to the site and immediately the AI picks it up and bans you for a couple of hours and then bans you permanently. If you are in a private show the same thing happens. Your points also only register if you are in a private or public stream. So they basically made their money literally sitting and looking pretty and konjaling and Jasmine dipped when Sai told her of their bad privacy laws. Also the points don't register in 1 on 1 chats from what I could tell. The most you could do is have a bikini stream, but I doubt either of them were doing it. Most of the Latinas and others make their money on there from doing borderline nsfw things and having other sites they have in their description. All Tango is, is twitches just chatting page. People need to give Norah and Jasmine a big apology.

From my point of view I really could not give af if any of the contestants were literal pornstars. I like to see all walks of life and know things are just a job to survive. I was surprised to know my parents have the same views.

As a dude I will knowingly say this all these slut shamers are the ones that watch porn the most and probably formed addictions to it, as the first thing they jump to is anything sexual even upon just seeing a female.