I'm going to be straight up, and I just want to say I don't want to argue. That's not going to get us anywhere. I just want to discuss, so I'm open to hearing other opinions, just be respectful.

Let me address the hot chocolate alliance. Would I personally do it. No. It kind of puts the house in a weird situation. Although I feel like there is too much uproar for no reason. Not every girls alliance is sexist. Like the girly pops, it wasn't like they weren't playing the game along still with the men in the bouse. Not every guys alliances is sexist. Same thing I said about the girly pops but with the Pretty boys. Just like not every black alliance is "racist".

People gravitate too people similar to them. It honestly just a psychological thing. People like you are more likely to share similar stuff. Black slang, black customs, etc. There is some black humor that black people are more prone to get. The only reason we're seeing it now cause there is a enough black people, and I think it is jarring cause we haven't seen it a lot, I promise you if there was more in earlier seasons we would see this much earlier.

Eventually things will chill out. Also is it only racist if they are directly mistreating players in a way that they can't play the game. BB15 and BB22 we see that. With the commitee picking everyone else out, excluding them, and talking bad about them, Christmas being very personal to Bay and Day. BB15 just disgusting in general, the bed flipping, everything, Candice and. Cookout well at the time there hadn't been a black winner. So that's understandable. Although the important thing about the cookout is that it was all gameplay. They never treated the non-black people rudely or badly, unlike how some alliances treated poc players in the past. They just played the game.

There is no denying the Hot Chocolate is a race based alliance, but that doesn't mean they're racist. Just like the Bridgade and Pretty Boys alliance was all boys, that doesn't mean they were sexist. Unless they are saying things like I hate everyone not black and treat everyone else in the house terribly.

Ultimately people are really making it worse than it is. So black people can't work together? It's not like they said we hate everyone that is not black. We see Lexus is forming connections with other people. We see the same for Anthony. People are really blowing up more than necessary.