**I am NOT OP.

Original post by u/AITAexhaustedwife

trigger warnings:

mood spoilers:

Original BORU post 

UPDATE 2  - posted 13 minutes ago

another update..

this one.. is not good. forgive me for any errors I’m shaking as I type this out.

I was heading over to our house to drop daughter off with my husband, and I was a tad bit concerned because he didn’t give me a response of acknowledgment like he had the previous days. I thought that he might’ve fallen asleep. It didn’t matter, since I had a key.

When I got there, John was just sitting on the couch, and it took a tiny bit of coaxing to get him to tell me that he couldn’t really move his left arm/leg. I started to freak out because I thought he was having a stroke, but he calmed me down and asked me to drive him to the hospital, just in case.

I’ll spare you all the details of waiting in the ER with a fussy daughter, but as it turns out, John has a tumor in his frontal lobe.

Yeah. The doctor said it would account for the weakness, and for any changes in personality that might have been present.

We don’t know if it’s cancerous just yet, since they haven’t done a biopsy or anything, but I thought I’d let you guys know. (John said go ahead)

So, that’s where we are now. I’m terrified, calling my parents and my in laws. My parents are about to go on their vacation (flying out tonight), and I encouraged them to still do so, because there’s still testing to be done. My in laws will help me with daughter (watch her so I can have a little bit of alone time with John and then I’ll go home and they’ll go to the hospital to be with him.)

Hopefully this will slow, preferably stop, the onslaught of comments/DMs telling me to divorce him. I love John with my whole being and he needs me. My in laws are reaching out to their relatives to see if this is genetic or simply bad luck.

John keeps apologizing to me, and I’ve been trying to get him to stop. He has a brain tumor, he couldn’t control what he was saying. It’s all so terrifying and I don’t know what to do anymore.

Thanks for all your precious advice, and if anyone has any suggestions of how I can keep myself composed during this, I’d love to hear it.

**Reminder - I am not the original poster.**