In May I graduated college with my bachelor's degree.

In June I moved fourteen hours away to move in with my long distance partner of three years.

In July I got a job with my degree! I was so excited, especially because I was told I couldn't do it.

In August I felt so grateful for everything I had been given.

In September I turned 22, moved into a new apartment with my partner, totalled my car, and lost my grandpa, who passed away unexpectedly in his sleep.

In October I attended his memorial and juggled the insurance company phone calls while trying to keep up with new responsibilities at my job.

In November I felt a distance growing between my partner and I, and a dissatisfaction with how life had become.

In December I spent every day wondering what was wrong and trying to communicate with someone who kept shutting me out.

In January I discovered he started cheating on me around the time my grandpa passed away--while I invested all this energy into trying to cultivate a sense of home for us during this difficult time.

This is where I am now.