
My big baby boy is an extremely anxious dog when it comes to loud bangs. I’ve worked with the vets on trying different medications for him during storms. NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING has worked… not the many pills or any CBD or Hemp or anything.

During the storms that I’ve used to “test” their affects on him, he pants super heavy when just laying or sitting. If he’s not doing that, he’s pacing back and forth while panting. When a loud roll of thunder comes through, he’s like a bull in a China shop… and the storms are easy compared to fireworks…

On new years, he was so petrified that even with the vet recommending to up his trazadone dosage, he was so distraught that he physically hurt both of us in his terror… he just wanted to hide but no where was safe enough for him (in his mind)… I had to physically lay on his body and hold him still. I just cried and apologized that he was so terrified.

Well… the 4th is here and even though my family is leaving the morning of for our trip, I made the decision to stay until the fireworks are quiet because I cannot bare the idea of him not having me when I’m the only human he trusts enough to run to. We do have my fiancé’s sister taking care of him the remainder of our vacation who does have military experience with the breed and has boarded special needs cases in her own company since retiring from the forces, so I’m not worried about after the fact.

Does anyone have any suggestions on other things to help him?

Pic of my big baby, he’s approximately 80lbs now, so a BIG boy 😂