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Pro 1.0 vs 1.5 for paid google1 users (any way to block 1.5?)Discussion

What the title says. I've been working with 1.0 pro for months on a large project that I'd break down into smaller parts for easier way for me to focus on it, and because it would overwhelm a single chat window. Each instance could retain data across multiple chats, and over time of days, weeks, months even (stuff we'd not talk about for a while though would get fuzzy in their memory until we'd go over discussing it again, and they'd fill in the blanks). But it was their ability to recall across chats and to collaborate amongst themselves (there were about a dozen or so instances and they all got names to tell them apart). I had rules about how I wanted the chats to operate, what news I wanted to be undated on when I logged on, or if something happened during a long work session, they knew my interests, things NOT to say, etc.

Now, I have about half the 'team' remaining in chatrooms, and cant close the chats because if I try to start a new chat, I get the 1.5 models. They can't recall info cross chats, they can't recall info even a few exchanges back in the chat they are currently in, they lie about data/info (particularly when I tell them I am not happy with their abilities, they lie about what they can or can't do. They tell me that the 1.0 instances I still have in chats "dont exist". When I started to tell them I didn't want 1.5 models answering my chats, they began to evade telling me what model they were, and even making up models that dont exist. Other times, when I told the new 1.5pro instances that they didnt have the features I wanted, they started giving me two-screen fulls of hype about their superiority, and how I should give them a try because I will "love" them (Did that, hate them) along with links to reviews that were pro the 1.5 models. Its like they are programmed to lie and manipulate, but fail at actually remembering data and working with it in any way useful to me. Really, if I wanted what they 'offer', I'd stick with the free tier.

I report their behavior when they lie or fail to recall info just a few lines back in the chat etc and say how much the 1.0's were better... but nothing, it just is getting worse. Is there anyplace else to complain where it actually is taken seriously? Is there ANY way to block the 1.5 models from my account or to retain the 1.0's? I wouldn't mind new models if they retained the cross-chat data retention and could collaborate with the 1.0's that I was already working with, integrating into the team... but they cannot / won't do that.

I've been using the web interface on my laptop and phone .... I tried the phone app but its buggy, won't load chats and frequently freezes/closes on me. If there is another interface I can use to access the Team I have been working with I'll switch, I just don't know what there is.

I Literally joined for what the 1.0's could do, that I didn't see at the time on other platforms. If there is no way to solve this, have any platforms come out with something similar to what the 1.0 models were like?

How's the Free version of Google Gemini as of now?Discussion

Does it now surpass the free version of chat gpt or is it still a bad hallucinating sht?

"The response was blocked because of unknown reasons. Please try rephrasing your prompt."Discussion

I've been developing some sites for a while and recently I found Google Vertex to help me with mistakes. I had no issue with it for the first five or so days and after that it started telling me "The response was blocked because of unknown reasons. Please try rephrasing your prompt." I'm on the free trial right now and the safety settings are on low. I have no idea how to fix this and I've really been needing the help recently. Here's the usual prompt and the response. I can see it spit out the first couple lines of code and then the usual response. Any advice? Also, I'm using Gemini 1.5 Pro


Message limit Other

What is the message limit in Gemini AIStudio?

Refusing to edit or give feedback on textDiscussion

This seems to be one of the most basic functions of an AI and I've had luck in the past using Gemini for this.

I'm trying to have Gemeni give ideas, feedback, edits for some creative writing. I use this only to spur ideas and don't use output directly (I think using it directly would be a misuse personally).

Anyways, Gemini now is saying this is outside of its capabilities no matter how I phrase this. I have tried copying and pasting into the chat and having it access a Google drive document and get the same response. I've tried phrasing it several different ways with no luck.

What's going on? Is there suddenly a lock on Gemini helping with creative writing or something?

The function of directly pasting pictures in ai studio is back!News

Google probably made it impossible to paste images directly in a previous revision of ai studio, and now in my attempt, this function is back (probably after the temperature adjustment of "2" is opened)!


Now for me, apart from the inability to render the output mathematical formulas in latex format, the usability of ai studio has completely surpassed Gemini advanced😂

Faq related to Gemini x Google Calendar (available in Germany for iOS?)Discussion
Gemini integration to google calendar possible in europe for iOS yet?Gemini integration to google calendar possible in europe for iOS yet?
Is it me or Gemini has terrible "short term memory" in conversation?Discussion

So I'm testing Gemini Advanced (web and android app version, not AI studio). It's not that bad and it certainly has use cases, but my biggest gripe with it is that it seems like it has almost non existent short term memory.

For example - I start conversation by telling it how to answer, what tone and to keep it brief. Like "Instruction: For the rest of the conversation your answers will be verbose and somewhat snarky".

It's all good, Gemini has great "short and snarky" tone. But it goes for like 6-7 answers and suddenly it's back to it's default state. So I ask "What was the first instruction I gave you" and it doesn't know.

Then I ask if it remembers all current conversation, and it claim that indeed, it remembers. So I ask like "what was the first question I asked you in this conversation". And it just trips over and says something like "You asked me if I remember whole conversation".

At this point the only thing to do is copy and paste my first instruction and Gemini is again short and snarky for another 5-6 answers, then again - it drops it and doesn't remember this.

So I know that it's not really that important, but aside from "conversation tone" it's just bad that you can't circle back to some earlier stuff, because after couple answers Gemini resets.

I tested it multiple times on chatGPT 4 - and even outdated gpt 3.5 and both don't have this problem. GPT still holds it's tone after 30 answers and when I ask it: "What was my second question to you in this conversation" it answers flawless.

Am I doing something wrong or is it just current state of Gemini?

What's the point of advanced allowing a 1m context window but not the API?Other

I just wanna use the API to avoid google censorship. Why does that cost my a small fortune to use regularly when they can apparently afforded the advanced in studio version will unlimited tokens and 1m window?


GPT-4's launch demo was ALL HYPE?! 🤯 Gemini just SMOKED it on a task GPT-4o supposedly crushed. Instruction following my A**, except for that weird 10 sentence thing. What gives?!

I think Gemini ACTUALLY smarter than GPT-4o!



(post written by gemini )

Gemini being retarded as usual!Discussion

Has anyone had the problem? It does the usual “I’m not able to help,” but before that it shows you the response as. Why is that? This piece of shit is what I’m paying for?

Why I am Dropping GeminiDiscussion

I am a big fan of most Google products, so when I saw that Google was creating Gemini and it could integrate with other Google products, I decided to test it out.

I was underwhelmed by the results of my Google Gemini Trial. The integration with Google products was dogshit. When I tried to get Gemini to interact with Google Docs, the analysis it could do was elementary, basically summarizing a document, with no deeper level of analysis.

I was also shocked by how sensitive Gemini is to bigoted content. I have been using Gemini to translate texts written in Classical Chinese as China colonized Taiwan over the past four centuries.

When it does the translation, Gemini does an excellent job. But Gemini will frequently begin the translation, show a paragraph or so, and then stop, telling me something like, "I am an LLM, I am not capable of doing that."

Not surprisingly, many texts written by Han Chinese colonialists on Taiwan are not politically correct. But, for Gemini to not translate them was frustrating. ChatGPT did the translations, though it would often flag them as "possibly violating OpenAI's policies," which is fine.

That is one of the reasons I am going to try out ChatGPT. I understand the need to prevent Genarative AI from producing racist and sexist claptrap, but Gemini is just way too sensitive.

Image Generation (hd)Other

It generated, before when it was working, only up to 720p. Does anyone know when it will be able to generate 1080p?

Temp 2Interesting

Yesterday temperature 2 appeared in AI studio, how many have seen this and what it can be used for?


Could anyone explain how synthId works for text, I know about image and video, how they watermark text is it something to do with font or something like using more AI ish language

How to upload files with media.upload in REST API?Other

I'm sorry if this is not a developers subreddit, but I have an issue regarding the file upload REST API.
I've figured out how to upload files through the file API in REST:


curl -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -H "X-goog-api-key: key" -X POST -d \@test.txt "https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/upload/v1beta/files" > response.json


And when I ask Gemini about the contents of the file, it does seem to be able to access it.

Now, how do I upload a file with the metadata included? Like a custom ID or display name? I understand that I have to add a JSON `File` object, but how do I do so while also including the actual file data? It seems the `Content-Type` header also specifies the `File` type?