[Some Ideas](https://www.theyummylife.com/Backpacking_Food)

If you are on the trail for a long time, you get sick of eating the same thing. Bringing some spices and a small amount of hot sauce is a huge favor to yourself. My favorite snacks:

- Spicy trail/chex mixes

- Ritz and little bags of peanut/almond butter

- Gatorade powder packets (electrolytes and sugar) But will dry out your mouth

- Gummies are always great

- Dried fruit

- Nuts Berries Seeds

- Hard Candy lasts and variety packs can give your tongue a welcome change

- Beef Jerky is a blassing

- Tortillas or Naan > Bread loaves

- If you want chips: Pringles are the best volume/chip option I think.

- Bags of tuna and chicken are great for a quick bite/meal

EAT A LOT, backpacking is hard on the body and I have never left a trip without losing much more weight than i hoped for.