Am I the only person who struggles to leave comments? Most of the time I type a whole long comment and then realize it's probably already been said by someone else or that no one is ever going to read my comment or care what I'm typing and then I delete the whole thing. How do you know when to comment? I know its "when you have something of value to add" but what does that really mean?

EDIT: thank you guys for commiserating. I am reading all of the comments and upvoting them so you guys know I see you but for some reason I'm struggling to reply in the comments because my brain is broken. But I do see you and I'm refreshing the page to read what you all are saying I swear

EDIT2: I am still reading and upvoting. It is very heart warming that some people who don't usually comment commented here. It makes me happy and proud. Thank you again everyone. I will be here reading