First off, my mom is not introspective, doesn’t believe in therapy and has serious anger issues. It’s my belief that I won’t get very far if I try to talk to her about these issues, or maybe I’m just afraid of her. Idk.

But onto the issue at hand. My mom is so incredibly negative and critical. I will throw a couple of examples out.

  1. I told her I was buying a new vacuum and told her the brand and she said that brand sucked
  2. Unsolicited told me my socks looked cheap.
  3. I told her I wanted to buy a kite for my baby to watch me fly and she said kites were no fun and so difficult to set up.
  4. Constantly criticizing my parenting. This is a whole section so I’ll subcategories it: 4a. It’s so cold out she needs a blanket (it was 69 degrees and she had long pants and shirt on and was in a covered stroller. 4b. Constantly telling me I should let my baby cry it out and self sooth (I didn’t self sooth as a baby mom, I just gave up crying because you were terrifying!) 4c. Constantly telling me I hold my baby too much and need to put her in a carrier because I need to get a life. 4d. Telling people we don’t feed her solids yet or take her out of the house despite the fact that we have been doing both for almost 2 months now and she knows it.
  5. My sibling is traveling in another country with their kids and mom is constantly criticizing their pictures about how very basic fun things they are doing are either terrible or dangerous.

I just don’t know what to do.

Am I being weak if I don’t want to confront her and just want to distance myself? I don’t believe confrontation would help; and boundry setting is often met by anger outbursts.

My sibling who does try and set boundaries has told me of so many rude things my mom has said.

The most important thing is that I do NOT want my daughter to grow up and spend a lot of time with someone who is so negative. The other day my mom road raged at a construction worker for giving very simple instructions. The day before that we met at a park and she complained the entire fing time about the weather, the landscapers, the smell of the mulch.

My daughter is so sweet and so happy and loving. I truly believe she is this way because my husband and I are attentive, loving and don’t hold back our affection with her. We also have a generally peaceful household. I don’t want to be around my mom much and I especially don’t want to drive with her as I’m worried she will be getting shot one of these days because she flips the wrong person off. So how should I handle this?

Also as a side request if you have a recommendation for a book about setting boundaries that would be great. I do struggle with boundaries with other people too when I can tell they are getting mad at me setting them because my mom has given me such a fear of angering people.