I am 19F from Essex, and I am living in California now. Everyone I know from England and the states alike hates on Birmingham. My English cousin 35F was chatting with our guide yesterday at my mum's wine tasting and was talking about how horrible Birmingham was, and when I chimed in and said I absolutely loved it and asked her when she last went because it probably has changed loads, she said she's never even been! SO many people I have met do the same thing and say they'd NEVER go because of how bad they've heard it is. I guess that makes it better for me because one of the things I love most about it is how few tourists there are, along with its beautiful museums and canals and libraries and shops and China district and gay village. I seriously love Birmingham, I did my A-levels in Stourbridge while I stayed with my aunt and would go into Birmingham everyday for my ballet classes. I literally loved going so much, even just going to the Birmingham station into the huge mall, I would eat dinner with friends or walk around if we didn't have time to go out into the city. It's just so lovely, and I just don't understand where the hate for it comes from! Is it just a lack of knowledge, or having not been in recent years? I've heard it wasn't quite nice back in the 90s and 00s, but now it's great, and people are always surprised when I say so or even will downright tell me I'm wrong ! Anyone have any info on this? xx