I know. I know. I'm a terrible person. And we're all struggling in our own unique way. And far be it from me to judge someone when I haven't walked a day in their shoes. And I know, we shouldn't be tearing each other down in days like this. And yes, I know it's not a game of whos suffering the most.

But I can't help but question how? when I read someone is struggling when they make 30, let alone 40, k a year. And i am to understand thats somehow not even that much money.

I'm in my early 30s and I know, maybe, 5 people who make that much? I sometimes make 1400 a month. Sometimes. Most of the time it's closer to 13. I know thats a rather low wage, but it's all I can get.

I can't buy nice things every month, but that's never been a thing in my life anyway so I don't know to miss it.

It just... it makes me feel a little bitter, knowing that my life would be way more comfortable on just a fraction of what these people earn, and can't help but wonder if they're squandering their money on lambos or something each month.

Am I really a bad person for feeling like this?

EDIT: A whole bunch of you for some reason believe this is way deeper than it is. I'm not quite sure how to put across what a "little bit bitter" is in terms of feelings, but it's not much. Maybe a level above apathy I guess? Which isn't all that much.

Anyway, thank you to the people that offered some helpful insight without being pointlessly vitriolic. You deserve the world. Question answered.