Not about socialism, but probably one of the most likely scenarios for a "true socialist" country to arise outside of the tyranny of the US empire. Everyone I've talked to goes "oh, but the economy!" Europe is dependent on the US economically, the US South is dependent on the North, etc, but I'm skeptical of any economy-based claims so I want to ask my leftists.

I imagine any balkanization would go along confederacy lines with a Bible Belt theocracy, a New England Plutocracy. Maybe there'd be a Texas Republic (TM), a West Coast thing, and some autonomous Native communities in the west. (If you're interested in this concept, or just realistic contemporary political sci-fi i HIGHLY recommend the book After The Revolution, it's free in full text and ad-free audiobook form online)

Here are some sub-questions:

  1. Is the EU that dependent on us? As I understand it, what they're dependent on is an artificial order based on exorbitant wealth/debt. Without the looming threat of losing US support/protection, what actually holds up the economy? I could see a return to a more barter-based economy or some other economic reform, and hopefully some revolutions.

  2. The UN is a mechanism for US/Western control, if Israel isn't evidence I don't know what is. Do you think Europe would be forced to find a new path if they were free from the USA's thumb? Or, more likely, they'll go superfascist and start another empire, but we can hope.....

  3. Back to the US, who gets the military? How much of the military does everyone get? Is there any world where their xenophobia doesn't force them to reluctantly sorta unite to destroy the rest of the world?

  4. Any other thoughts?