I'm a Black 17-year-old junior male the Only reason why I want to become a cop because I get really inspired easily sometimes like I got inspired by my little brother doing boxing, so I decided to do boxing but I mainly I get inspired by some cops I had some childhood cops that I used to talk to back in my hometown Toledo Ohio I really did appreciate them I don't know if they remember us since we were like little and they be guarding the library which was the main spot we chill out at mainly free food too you know how it is. I really do wanna help people I really do wanna lock up this bad people but when my speech impediment starts getting in the way its so frustrating I lose hope like alot I know there speech therapy but i'v been taking it since I came out my mom and it gotten a little better I stutter a little and mis pronounce stuff but its so dangerous having a problem with communication cops rely on communication like a lot lets say i saw somebody robing -some store and I start stuttering like "p- p- p- put urrr urrr your ha- hans up". or I mispronounce a street address and back up goes to the wrong street. I'm trying my best with speech honestly i rarely stutter and sometimes i got to speak up for my production to actually work just I'm afraid when in the heat of the moment I mess up. I'm trying my best to go to Cincinatti Ohio police department or might just do Toledo Ohio. like all of my hopes just going everytime I speak I hate it I'm still trying my best i wouldnt say best but im hanging in there.