For everything you've always wanted to know about Germany

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When Germans visit the US, do they like to try regional foods or prefer fast food joints?

I'm from Texas and have received a lot of German tourists and none of them are really interested in trying the Texas typical stuff, for example, breakfast tacos which are probably the most popular breakfast in Texas (instead they want to go to Mcdonalds because for them "it's more authentic") otherwise a Denny's, a burger joint, or fast food chains.

Other examples in Texas include birria tacos, queso, salsas, (literally there's an entire huge aisle dedicated to salsas), kolaches, barbacoa, pecan pies, brisket tacos, tex-mex, etc and I was a little sad when some of them just wanted to try the wonder bread and peanut butter jelly.

What's your experience or thoughts?

What is the worst german beer?

In your opinion what is the worst german beer?

Drunk stranger gave my friend a piece of bread.

Hallo, Me and my friend are relatively new to Germany. We went to Regensburg for a hackathon and later we went to a fest. We saw the tents where people usually drink beer in their cultural dress ( not sure what the tent or the dress is called,will search later). There was one guy who was drunk , he called my friend and gave him a bread to eat. I am trying to understand what this gesture means!

Ps. We're brown, if that helps!

Germans and non-Germans on here, do you and your partner split bills and house chores 50-50? Miscellaneous

Asking this as I just saw an insta post where someone I know is arguing that 50-50 is unfair especially if wages are not equal. But they also say additional labor women put in - household chores, child care etc. Also, do you have joint accounts with your partner?

Supermarket BeersPersonal

I'm from the Philippines and currently living in Duisburg City (NRW). I must say that there are plenty of beer options in the supermarket, where it comes to a point that I always have a hard time picking a beer. Back home, I only have 2 go-to beers. But here in DE what would you recommend? I always love to drink alone and at home with my wife, we don't usually go out that much since we're busy with work so the most accessible markt near us is Rewe or Edeka. I would love to know your recommendations. P.S. i have no intention of starting any civil war when it comes to beers. 😊

Do Germans Have Estate Sales?

Hello! I’m visiting from the US and a hobby of mine is going to estate sales to find unique items at discounted prices. Usually these happen when people pass away and company’s will come in and price everything in the house.

Does something like that exist here in Germany? I know flohr markets are a thing but I was wondering if something like estate sales happen here. Or are things usually donated someplace?

Thank you for any help!

Who is supposed to clean the sidewalks?Miscellaneous

I have never seen anyone cleaning sidewalks in my Kiez. I have seen for example in France/Spain someone from Gemeinde doing the cleaning.

Two Nights Near Frankfurt

Hey Reddit!

I go to Frankfurt for work a fair bit, and am looking for some suggestions for a one day getaway. I'll have Friday Night to Sunday Morning Free. Catching a plane at FRA mid day Sunday, so I need to be somewhat close to the airport.

In the past I have done some museums and the touristy area in Frankfurt. I also did a day in Heidelberg.

Any suggestions on where to go this time would be fantastic. I think I am currently leaning towards Limburg - it looks very nice.

Thanks :)

Missed connection - Canadian girl looking for German guy tourist in Budapest

To the sweet shy German guy (from Cologne, Koln) who I met in Budapest on May 21st on an evening vampire walking tour, thank you for holding my umbrella while it was raining, and walking with me to my taxi that night. I should've been less shy and exchanged information with you to at least grab a coffee on my final night there. I felt bad for not at least offering to let you hop in my cab to take you across the bridge so you didn't have to walk. If you see this I hope you made it back home safe!

Applying for Ausbildung with disability

Hi, I'm blind on my right eye, have no issues in day to day life but since my eye has no vision it wanders noticably. I'm from east europe (Non EU country). I've been learning german for a year. I'm 19 and know Cyber Security quite well and want to apply for Fachinformatiker or something related to that. So, can I apply for Ausbildung and get reply from a company? Can my eye be an issue?

Lufthansa fly/rail

I’m flying into Frankfurt next Monday and then getting a connecting train to Dortmund. I’ve read a few things online but still totally confused about where to collect my suitcase. Is it right in saying it could either be at the airport terminal or at a train station collection?

Also they initially had me landing at 11:05 and getting a train at 12:07. That felt a little tight to me so I’ve moved it to the 13:07. Was that the right thing to do given I have to clear passport control and get my suitcase from location as yet unknown

People of which nationality contribute the most to the German tax system?Immigration

I saw this interesting statistic on a Dutch sub. It shows the data of "knowledge workers" currently in NL sorted by their Nationality. Here is the original article where the image was taken from.

Has German governement published something similar? Will people change answer to the question "Welche Nationalität is beliebt in Deutschland?" after they see this data, will they be thankful to the migrants who earn more?

Sure, there are bad apples from every nation, but the people who earn above average contribute most into German tax and social healthcare system. Or is this a fact most of the Germans don't like/want to accept?

What's something that you think is unique to dating or romantic relationships in Germany?

Anything like flirting styles, expectations in relationships, courtship strategies, displays of love, etc.

Where do I get free German class?

I want to learn German, but I don't want to pay. Ideally it would be 1-1 with a native speaker.

What to do with Zusicherung after immigration law gets into effect?

Hello friends, I’m trying to find some information, and none is available. I have got my citizenship Zusicherung 3 years ago, and was waiting for my other citizenship renouncement (side note, my Zusicherung is still valid). However, with the new law getting into force in the 27.06 I can keep my other passport. I already wrote 4 letters to LEA including one on real paper. So far, there’s no reply 😅

I was wondering, whether someone is also in such situation so you know what to do next?

Thank you!

Good company to send suitcase to Spain?Personal

Hey, I’m moving to Spain and I wondered which logistics company you would recommend to send a big suitcase. It wouldn’t have a lot of valuable cargo, mostly clothes and a glass lamp that I would package properly, I just am too old to move a big suitcase through the airport (MS gang). My town has DHL and Deutsche Post, I’ve been thinking DHL because that also exists in Spain, what do you think? It is a big suitcase, the kind of which you check in at a flight

How to find/repair

Hi community,

I want to ask for your advice on how to handle this situation. Yesterday, while cleaning the dirt from the lamp, it suddenly fell and now there are two small chips on its surface. My first reaction was to search online and buy a new one to replace it (I'm going to move out in one month). It turns out that this lamp is from some Italian brand and costs about 900-1300€. What is the best way to handle this situation?

  1. Try to find a glass repair shop in Berlin.
  2. Inform the landlord about the situation and have them deduct the cost from the security deposit.
  3. Inform the landlord and try to get a refund from my liability insurance (Haftpflichtversicherung).

What do you suggest?

Don't reply messages? I am confused for texting habitsCulture

Hey all,

In my interactions with Germans, whether as classmates, friends, or dating partners, I've found that receiving timely replies within 24 hours is very challenging.

In my cultural background, it is uncommon for people to not respond within half a day while awake. Therefore, I'm puzzled: can I interpret not receiving a reply for over two days, or even a week, as disrespect or lack of interest?

Even though I understand that everyone has different habits when it comes to using their phones, I find it hard to convince myself that in this digital age, someone would not check their phone for an entire day.

Is replying to messages a particularly stressful task for Germans? Or it's a kind of power game? Is feeling ignored a problem on my part?

edit a reminder: context is within 2 days even 7 days

I'm curious about your interaction experience or your opinion about that:)

Juli, live concert, what does the singer say to the audience?


question for native speakers of German.

I can hear this much (I hope, correctly):

Ich habe eine Freundin. Eine beste Freundin.
Ich hoffe, jeder von euch hat auch eine. Oder einen besten Freund.

Die ist wunderschön, ich hab sie wahnsinnig lieb.

Und wie jeden Abend: Für dich: "Wir beide".

EDIT: I need the German text, not what it means.

EDIT 2: Thanks Lilacwine44 , solved.

What is appropriate clothing?

Hi! It's my first time traveling to Germany (next week) and want to wear clothes that are appropriate. I'm staying in Frankfurt and Stuttgart and traveling a little out of the way in Rems-Murr.

I wanted to ask what is generally appropriate clothing? One thing my family is confused on is if wearing shorts is socially acceptable, specifically for women. It will be around 20 degrees C while we are there. Also, are sneakers (tennis shoes) alright for the day time?

I have been looking at other posts like this and see a lot of contradicting info. I am leaning to packing jeans, blouses, and some dresses/skirts.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Woman everyday backpack

Hallo! I’m looking for a woman backpack in Germany. What backpack do you use ? I’m after a good quality, feminine, branded backpack.

I’ve checked out North Face , Patagonia and it’s quite masculine and bulky.


What do you call a camping/campsite that is for students/young adults?

In dutch we call this a 'jeugdcamping', however in German 'jugend camping' is a kids friendly campsite. We are looking for campings that do not mind when we party at night and where we are surrounded by people around our age. So campsites that attract people like us, preferably in southern Germany.

Any campings around southern Germany would be appreciated. I would like to know what to search for in a German camping.


Traveling to Germany this summer and wondering about portion sizes. The US has huge portion sizes so my family usually shares meals instead of everyone ordering. Are portion sizes smaller in Germany or is splitting a meal frowned upon?

Question about KurzzeitkennzeichenLaw

Hello everyone, quick question. I bought a car last week and when I wanted to make license plates for it, the lady at the Bürgerbüro said it would take 10 days to make them because of the European Parliament election. She said she could give me Kurzzeitkennzeichen for five days. So I took that because it's better than nothing, and I do need the car.

The problem is that today is the last day of those plates. Now I know that I can't drive the car from tomorrow anymore, and my question is: can I leave it parked on the street? I don't have a parking space. We all park our cars on the street anyway, so I can leave it there for a couple of days. Or do I have to put it in a private parking space or garage?