Art Advice

r/Artadvice22.2K subscribers5 active
Should I attempt to sell my portraits?


I am a 21 yr old nursing student who recently quit a job working as a CNA. I would like to make some money on the side of my studies and I am an extremely amateur artist. Realistically, would anyone purchase a portrait based on my skill level? Also, I deleted my instagram account years ago and I would essentially have to start from scratch in order to put my work out there. Would the effort be worth it? I would like an honest opinion please. Thank you for taking the time to read this.



Headaches from making art

Is it normal to get headaches after long periods of drawing/painting/scullting/etc. and if so how do you you deal with/stop them?

I have been doing all sorts of art my whole life, though seemingly randomly I get ridiculous headaches after a few hours. I assume this is just what happens from staring at a single item for 6 hours plus but its not like it happens every time I go on artsy binges. I get headaches occasionally but these "art headaches" come with a vengeance I rarely experience otherwise. I make sure to eat decently at regular intervals, I change the positions I sit in while doing stuff, I've tried changing the lighting, resting my eyes for short intervals every couple hours (the rests are like 30 minutes or longer), and nothing has worked so far.

Basically I'm just wondering if anyone has had this trouble and if you've managed to find a way to deal with it since I'm currently struggling my way through a big project with unending headaches.

How the hell do I draw hair

So I’ve been trying to learn art for the past while and hair has been a real pain in the ass for me. Whenever I watch a tutorial it’s always saying “oh break it into pieces” I understand that but how do I put it on the head and how do I know where the hairline starts. Are there any tutorials or tips that actually help

Need help in fixing this piece

Hello, I am new to painting and need help fixing this base. This base has stone, grass and gravel. I primed it black and then tried to paint it brown but it doesn't look good. Is there a way to fix it so it doesn't look so bad? Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.




How can I make the eyes look better?

Obviously very much a WIP. If it helps, I'm planning on adding glasses (and shading ofc)


Advice on color choices

I’m designing an original character, but I’m stumped on what colors I should use. Do colors in character designs reflect their personality?

Need help with art progression as somewhat of an amateur. Any advice?

I’ve been drawing for years now since I was little and was just doing it for fun and as a hobby. And while I’ve been noticing improvement, I’ve hit a wall of trying to study fundamentals (anatomy, perspective, etc) but not retaining much of the knowledge I need to be confident without using references. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
