A site to learn tricks of the trade in App design.

r/AppDevelopers4.9K subscribers5 active
IOS app launch

This week I attempted to launch an app on IOS Apple Store. After every submission for review, Apple responds with declined review for a few different reasons at a time.

I am working off of flutter flow, is there a way to make app compatible with different Apple products simultaneously. Ex: iPhone 13 mini, Apple tablet 5th generation 11”screen, and so on. After I fix the first request, they hit me with another incompatible device. Please help.

Maybe send some links or check off list I can follow thru with.

Need help with app

Hey I will pay 50 to anyone who can turn this app into a youtube music client https://github.com/zyrouge/symphony?tab=readme-ov-file

Backend question

Not entirely sure I'm asking the right question, but I am new to app development, and i haven't gotten direct enough answers online yet. I am building a normal website for my store, using react front-end and flask backend and I want to start planning an app to go with it.

  1. My first question is, do apps use the same backend? Can I leave my flask backend alone and just have my app connect to it or do I need to do something different/special when making requsts from the app?

  2. Since I use react already, is react native a good choice to use for both ios and Android development? Or is it better to learn swift and kotlin? What is the good way to go in 2024?

App Development - Need Help

Hey everyone,

So, I'm diving into the world of app development with hopes of turning a profit down the line. But, I'm feeling a bit lost on where to start.

At first, I thought Swift for iOS on my shiny new MacBook was the way to go. Then, I realized React Native might be smarter, allowing me to cover both Android and iOS simultaneously. But, when I tried a React Native course on Udemy, it hit me with a prerequisite: knowing React.

So, I shifted gears to learn React, only to find out I needed a solid grasp of JavaScript first. I gave it a shot, but when things got tough, I hit a wall.

Now, I'm stuck and looking for advice. How did you all start your app development journey? Any tips for a newbie like me? I've dabbled a bit in web dev, mostly with Angular, but nothing too hardcore.

Thanks a bunch for any help you can offer.

App/Software Design

How do you go about getting a software/app created? I need one created for my company and just don't know what or how to go about getting this designed and created. Thanks in advance

App developer

Hello. I had a question. I'm creating an app. I'm paying a company to build it. During the building phase I was asked to give owner access to Firebase in the google console in the development stage, and was told they would give it back when done. Is that something that's safe to do? It's also to someone who I never spoke to or seen before. Others on the project I have at least seen faces via video chat. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know if it's safe to do. Any answers would really be appreciated

Resource Recommendations

What are the best resources (apps, books, websites) for someone just starting to learn Java ?

Apple connect not letting me create an account

“Ask your account holder to set up an App Store Connect account for you”

If I’m on someone else’s phone plan, but have my own Apple ID, do I need the phone plan holder to do this?

Otherwise, not sure why this is happening. Help please!

SMS auto response app

Does anyone know of an app that uses SMS texting to ask and answer questions?

For example, I get a new dog and I want to ask someone a couple of basic questions about feeding. I text a specific number and the app reviews the question and provides pre-canned answers around the keyword(s) in the question, in this case feeding.

Ever hear of such a thing? TIA

App developer needed

Hi I have a potential app idea which I would love to discuss with someone who knows more in the field, I am based in the UK so specifically someone from this area would be great 👍🏻

An Idea I would loved to be involved in...

I have an idea for a social platform that I think America needs. Simply put, it's focused on voting on any and every topic under the sun and having discussions about the results.

Verification is a must in order to prevent people from making multiple accounts and skewing the results. Also, the fun side of social media where people express themselves could be used for more verification as in each user would have to maintain a presence on the app in order to participate in voting. Its a rough idea but the concept is there.

Like I said I would love to be involved but I think this is something America needs so take it and run with it!

App Developer Advice


We have a killer idea for a business (yeah, yeah - so says everyone) but we need an app developer to do some of the initial coding. Essentially we want people to be able to log in to their account and maintain a database of their family members (without knowing it is a database obviously - UX needs to be seamless).

They will then pay via a subscription for a weekly or monthly (depending on the subscription level) file (.pdf). This file should be saved to their account so that they can access it for as long as they have an active subscription.

If anyone is interested in creating an app that can do this, I can be less cryptic in a discussion. Hopefully it is not too complex, but I would be interested in people's thoughts.


Need an app developer

Trying to make a game but can’t figure out how I can add Spotify so I can add song to the game

App Builder Needed

I am looking for an experience mobile application builder.

We are building an app for our Window Cleaning Business. If interested get in contact.

Details to follow.

Seeking design and content feedback on a trivia app

My friend and I recently built a trivia app called KnowIt. We've been uploading daily quizzes for about a month know, aiming for an MVP that's relatively similar to Wordle. Would appreciate any and all feedback that you have on the app's design, the content, and the basic gameplay loop.

Link and further information in the comments.

small LLM app development tool

hi everyone! my friend and i are making a small llm tool farspeak.ai (with the npm - farspeak), and posting some examples here in the public repo https://github.com/FARSPEAK/Awesome-FARSPEAK

it'd be great to know what you think / what can we do better .. we're trying to make an llm app development platform. check out some of the screenshots below as well as our js client https://github.com/farspeak/farspeak-js




Where do I Start?

Hi Folks,

I have an idea, I have an interest in learning. But zero experience. I have 36 hours of time to invest in learning. Where do I start? IOS and Android (Android User)

PLC and robotics programming experience if that counts...

Do you have any idea to promote app


Anyone have idea to promote playstore app like download for download service or review for review kind of service?

Google paid Research event invite!!

My Name is Jared and I work as a User experience Research Manager with Thought Through Research!

Thought Through Research a globally recognized user research agency, is excited to collaborate with Google on an innovative project aimed at exploring the intricacies of geospatial applications. We're reaching out to experts like you, based in the US, to gain valuable insights into the challenges faced by users of geospatial technologies.


We are reaching out to you on behalf of Google for a paid research study they are conducting.  


The objectives of the research are.

  • Understand the experiences of these decision-makers with location-based applications and mapping services.
  • Dive deep into the experiences of these decision-makers, understanding their journey with location-based applications and mapping services.
  • Highlight and address the main challenges encountered in the use of geospatial applications, aiming to enhance user experience and functionality.

This is an online discussion which will last for 60 mins, and you will get an incentive of $350.


Incentive for Your Time:** In appreciation of your valuable insights, participants will receive an incentive of $350 for a 60-minute online discussion paid via paypal or bank transfer as soon as you complete the session.


Interested? Here's How to Get Involved:**

  1. **Eligibility Screening:** Please complete our brief online screener [here](https://survey.us.confirmit.com/wix/p266226308402.aspx?ve=A1)
  2. . This will help us ensure a perfect match between your expertise and our research needs.


**Next Steps:** If you meet our criteria, we'll reach out with all the details you need to participate in this exciting opportunity.


Your expertise as a geospatial professional is invaluable to us. By joining this research, you're not just sharing your challenges; you're paving the way for advancements that will benefit the entire field.


You can read some of the testimonials from other participants have participated in similar research projects from across various countries.



Also feel free to visit our website www.thought-throughresearch.com


We look forward to your participation and insights!

Which is better for developing an app for web developer, electron or flutter?

I have experience with electron, but never used flutter before

How do I do Backend

So I recently started doing Android development (using kotlin). I pretty much learned the basics of Ui and jepack compose from the docs. Now the main part backend what do I learn to create a backend for an application. Most of the YouTube tutorials seems to show to integrate Firebase to our app and rest it handles. Is that it? I mean I know I should have an understanding about APIs to but what else tech stack you alliuse to create your backend. Web devs have tons of resources for their backend. What's the case with Android dev Or app dev in general.

Who has got an high technology skill?
Who has got an high technology skill?Discussion

I want to start up a mod for Monthly Entertainment due to lack of updates. Does someone know how to make a mod that way to help? There is a tiktoker i follow that could help with assets and stuff; in particular, i need the mod to have:

• unlimited member system for all group types;

• survival show creator;

• actor system;

• abroad trainees.

Hopefully someone could help!