I live in a pet-friendly building and brought a puppy home a month ago. The puppy happens to be very vocal. She would bark for 20 minutes at 4 am the first couple days home and our neighbors would bang loudly on the wall (which was not unreasonable but the puppy was a baby animal taken away from her entire family and we literally tried everything we could to try to stop it). We've been working on the barking problem, hiring a private trainer + going to group puppy classes + training at home on a daily basis, and we are now able to minimize the barking as much as we can. She doesn't bark at night during quiet hours anymore. However she is still only a 3 month old baby and would still bark here and there - sometimes 10-30 minutes when we leave the apartment in the afternoon (we only leave the house around 3 days per week and she also doesn't bark every single time though), and a couple barks here and there during the day. It gives me so much anxiety when she barks that I would literally be covered in sweat in one second, because I'm really scared of disturbing the neighbors, but it's also unreasonable to expect a dog to not make any noise at all, especially since she's only a baby. I want to hear everyone's opinion on how much barking is acceptable before it annoys you, or if any barking is acceptable at all.