I’m 31 so I’m old enough to remember a time when social media and iPhones didnt dn’t exist. I’ve always had anxiety, I have c-PTSD and I know that’s a factor. I also lived in an apartment full of toxic mold and I really believe that caused a lot of my anxiety, but I find anytime I’m anxious or I have an uncomfortable thought of feeling I reach for my phone and start scrolling, sually TikTok. It’s definitely an addiction at this point because it works, it distracts me from my anxiety which can be unbearable at times. But ever since I developed that habit it seems like my anxiety has gotten exponentially worse. I’ve definitely seen some disturbing stuff on social media, like true crime stuff and disturbing news stories, I know that doesn’t help, but idk if that’s the problem? When you google anxiety from social media it’s mostly just talks about teenagers and comparing yourself to other people and stuff like that. That’s definitely not my issue and that’s not really what I’m wondering about. Im wondering if outside of that you guys feel like mindless scrolling on social media causes anxiety?