My psychiatrist sent in my refill for both Lexapro & Alprazolam (Xanax) two days ago, but my pharmacy is refusing to fill my prescriptions until June 4th.

It’s been over 30 days since my last refill, so I’m incredibly confused as to why they won’t fill my prescriptions. They always fill it at the 30 day mark with no issues. Of course, this is all happening at the worst possible time as I have my grandmother’s memorial service next week which requires out-of-State travel, which is making me highly anxious. Not to mention, I’m beside myself that my last living grandparent whom I was incredibly close to is gone.

Has this ever happened to anyone? How is this even legal?

I called my psychiatrist and asked for her help, but she said it’s unfortunately out of her hands. Pharmacy’s have the right to hold a medication.

I’m just at a loss. I don’t understand why they can do this. It’s making my anxiety spike knowing I’m going to have to somehow deal with the most emotionally draining week of my life (so far) without my needed medications.