I am not against public health care because it's very important for those who can't afford it. But for some strange reason, the public mental health system in the UK has turned into a monster. It has become a safe haven for abusers and predators. There's no accountability. All I can compare it to is how the church covers up for itself when priests do the most hedious acts. Because I live in a clown country that wants to create a future based on dystopian 'fiction'. I can only explain my entire time in the system as a form of psychological torture. From day 1, you are invalidated by a GP ( For the record, I am deeply lucky to have had a good GP, I am 100% sure I'd have suffered more). Every interaction with a medical receptionist is one of contempt and annoyance. I get their job is hard. But they behave in a victim blaming punitive fashion. It's like the mutation of the failed teachers pet and something from the Stanford prison experiment. Then, of course, there are months and YEARS of waiting for an evaluation. Because of how messed up the system is by design, the people you get working for it seem to deeply lack empathy & compassion. For the record, we are in 2024, and to a lot of people PTSD and trauma is something they saw in a PowerPoint presentation or tiktok video of Gabor Mate. In fact, anything to do with trauma is at odds with the current psychiatric model. 100% it 'works' for extreme cases of schizophrenia & bipolar who are unfortunately destined to suffer such treatment because of how unwell they are. But If you are 'functioning ' you are seen as the enemy. Shove those big pharma pills down your throat and keep doing ' cognitive behavioural therapy '. For the record, the nervous system also doesn't exist for them. If you are lucky to get a diagnosis or you are wrongly diagnosed, you have to go seek help by some useless mental health charity vacuuming up money. Don't get me wrong. It's nice to have someone to talk to. But you can't exactly speak out against ' the church' when they follow the same religion. You're also not entitled to an opinion. If you did any of your own research, then it's wrong. After years of psychological and bureaucratic torture, they give you more forms to fill in. There are cases of people with dementia who have been given work capability assessments. The entire irony of it all in the UK, you'll probably never see a psychiatrist. Just like reflections on platos cave . All you see are idiots and hedious demons running out of the forest to protect their religious institution. For the record, I'm not antipsychiatry ,just as much as I'm not anti-anything. My problems are systems and power. No matter how hard we try as a species it seems like there is a subset of humans ( who are potentially reptilian- joke) who can't engage in a relationship in any form without it being a form of asymmetrical power dynamic. By all means, someone needs to lead. I don't think that's our core survival drive as a species. I'm not going to complain further to maintain this stupid just world hypothesis of the system. The system serves the system. Whatever you do, record everything and treat it as a legal pursuit. That's how they treat you. Who exactly gave a psychiatrist or any medical doctor some ordain from God ? No one.