I'm in North America and could probably afford a car, but Id have to go into debt and it would put me near paycheck to paycheck.

Luckily, I live near decent transit. Well, decent in that it exists and there is usually a bench. My 25 minute drive is a 90 minute trip with 1 transfer. It's okay, but I'm actively moving closer to work so I don't have to make the commute.

For me, it's a mix of not being able to afford a car, but being able to move to a walkable and transit friendly city.

If you are in this sub, I assume you understand the impact of cars, so I won't elaborate.

I would go so far to say that if you can feasible live with out a car, you are ethically obligated to do so.

I'll say, I feel a lot more connected to my neighborhood after riding transit. I see the same people everyday, see people be weird and nice. I follow the local politics around transit more closely because it directly affects me.

tl;dr vote with your feet, boycott cars