I've had low iron on and off again through the last 15 years. I'm low again. I've been taking a supplement for three weeks and have added more iron-rich foods into my diet. So far, I haven't noticed a difference in energy level.

I feel like I have lost control of my life. I don't have the energy or stamina to do anything. Simple twenty minute projects might take days because I am so tired and lack the strength and energy to do anything for that long. Taking the trash can to the end of the driveway for pickup and walking back into the house requires a nap.

I'm sleeping maybe 12-15 hours a day. 8-10 at night--I'm going to bed at 8:00PM and waking up around 6:00AM, then usually going back to bed from 7:00 or 8;00 until 9:00 0r 10:00AM, then I'll take a nap in the afternoon that's an hour or more. I might sleep more than that if I do anything that's physical.

I've had pretty severe deficiency before, but this time feels different. My iron level has been lower than it was when I had it tested three weeks ago, but I don't remember being this unable to function. That was ten years ago, I don't know if it's just hitting me harder because I'm older (32), but I don't know what to do. I can't get anything done. I can't afford help, I don't have friends or family that could help. Usually the supplements start helping in two weeks.

I'm seeing an endocrinologist at the end of the month to see if it might be an additional hormonal issue, but until then, all I can think is that this is an iron level problem.

I'm already pretty depressed, and this is making me feel even worse about myself because I can't do the simplest things.