Hey guys, I’m locked out of my Netflix and won’t get it back for a while. I’ve been trying to watch something on prime now but I can’t get myself to it.

I’ve searched and Harlem, this is us, marvellous miss maisel show up to be worthy watches but can you guys recommend something?

I finished bojack horseman and then modern love on prime. Was watching community but that ain’t on prime anymore where I am. Started this is us and it was hard to get through the first episode bcos it’s so slow but it’s building and I might carry on.

So please recommend something good, with not too long episodes, 25-30mins bcos I can’t sit and watch longer stuff atleast currently. Something heartfelt or comedy or well perhaps other genres too. But I rather watch something human and relatable but I really need to watch something and idk where to start as of now.

Thanks tho!