So for context I deliver in the country and practically the same route everyday. I go to deliver to this one house that I always leave at the end of the driveway, we’ll the notes had changed this time. The lady asked for me to call her and meet her halfway which I was ok with. I follow customer compliance and I call, No answer.

So I go about my day and then about 4 hours later when I’m 20 minutes away from this stop I get a call from dispatch. “The customer complained and they want their package by tonight, I need you to reattempt that package.” Apparently this is a new thing that they can do? What’s the fucking point of CC if they can just call Amazon and bitch about it. So i delivered that package and it Magically got damaged, I had to see for myself what these mf’s just needed so badly and felt like they needed to waste my time. Socks… it was socks they needed by the end of the day or else they wouldn’t survive.

Is anyone else dealing with this shit?