HI, I feel like this is so insane, I'm sorry😭 our relationship is normally pretty low-drama so this was so left field. I've been wanting to bleach my eyebrows for a while. I told my boyfriend this, and he told me he didn't want me to because he doesn't like the look. The thing is, he prefers me with short hair, I have long hair right now; I prefer him with long hair and he has short hair right now — it's not the end of the world. So I figured this could be the same way, since it's not like it's permanent. I told him I'd probably get it done anyway and if it looks bad, he can make fun of me all he wants. He said that if I do that, he'll bleach his brows, I didn't really care.

Anyway, I bleached them, and I really like how they look. He DOESN'T like how it looks, which I knew was an option, but it was making him really upset. Like he said, "I can't believe you did it" and then he literally got in his car and left. Then when I texted him, I just got an hours late response of "I can't talk to you right now." The next time we meet up, we ended up just yelling at each other. When things are starting to cool down, he tells me that maybe he should bleach his hair so we're "even." I didn't think there was anything to get "even" about, but I thought he might look good with bleached hair and I also thought he was just suggesting it on some level because he already wanted to.

He did it, I like it on him, he hates it. He says I put him in this situation with the eyebrows thing and then hyping him to do it after when I should have known he was doing it for a petty reason. I feel like if I'm the asshole here it's because I didn't take him seriously? Like I didn't think he was totally doing it to get even. I don't know anyone else who'd dye their hair just to borderline spite someone else like ??? 😭 I feel bad but I also feel like it's not really my fault here.

Edit: I can't respond to comments currently (I can't see anything outside of the notifs), but I see people asking about ages — I'm 18 and he's 23. Again, I'm sorry I can't reply to anyone's comments, thank you for commenting though! :)