I live with my roomate, her sister, and her sisters boyfriend, I’ve been helping provide food for my roommate because she hasn’t had a job and I didn’t want her to starve yk? She typically bought my groceries because I have severe anxiety when it comes to going out, I noticed that with my groceries she was also coming home with snacks for herself, which was weird but I assumed it was for us. The very last time I “bought” her food was when she asked to use my card to get stuff for tacos when her boyfriend was over, I was under the impression it was for all of us, because it’s my money she’s using, I fell asleep early, only to find out from my boyfriend she only made food for her and her boyfriend, I stopped letting her buy food after that, since then she’s started limiting my food space, I’m limited to a single drawer and a small space of floor for my cans and such. We have the space for me to have more room, they just, stopped letting me use it. I started buying my own personal dishes so I didn’t have to use hers, and took my porcelain plates and silverware that I bought from my friend. My roommate now has to use her sisters silverware and her sister doesn’t like her using it. So she basically has none. Am I the asshole for this?

UPDATE: last night was my last straw, she yelled at me and my boyfriend because we were having sex and she unlocked the door without knocking(we have a hook kinda lock on the room we share) and said it’s disgusting we were doing that. She then proceeded to take out her Xbox and tv out of our room and go into her sisters room (living room)I packed up what I needed and left to stay with my friend for a few days. What sealed the deal for me leaving was the fact that she again yelled at me for walking in front of her AFTER she died in her game. (Her set up was in the middle of the walkway to the door.) I’m coming back after Wednesday and taking my stuff into my parents garage. Your comments have definitely helped, they helped me understand that while I was still partly an asshole she was more of one.